Thursday, April 2, 2009


Palomino Horses are famous around the world. They were famous in history because they were owned by noble people like kings and queens. Since they were built very strongly they were also used in wars.

Palomino Horses were rode by kings and queens because they were considered a valuable horse. They were considered a valuable horse because of their intelligence, gracefulness and breathtaking beauty. Only noble, rich people were allowed to own and ride them.

Palomino Horses were used in war because of their speed, endurance, intelligence and their way of not making a sound when running. It was good to have a fast horse because they could quickly get out of the way of dangerous things. The Palomino horses quiet way of running made it easy to sneak up on people, so it's rider could be a spy in the middle of a war.

Palomino Horses are amazing as well as famous because of there swiftness, gracefulness and their beautiful colors.

In doing this project I have learned a lot about Palomino Horses. I have also learnt how to put together a blog and how to add gadgets. In looking for information, I have learned how to find the best websites and books for my blog. I now understand how to write a bibliography. Thank you to my teachers, Maggie and Jamie for assigning and helping with this project.

How To Keep A Palomino Horse Healthy

* Put your horse in a barn at night in winter and during the day in summer and let it stay outside in a pasture the rest of the time.

* Use plank fencing for the pasture.

* Make sure the pasture is in good condition, with plenty of grass, not muddy and not too many droppings.

* Make sure there are no poisonous plants in the pasture before putting your horse in it.

* Make sure they have clean water all the time.

* Do not let your horse drink from a stream it could be polluted. Give it a water trough or bucket.

* If stabled always give a quick brush before and after exercise. If pastured remove all mud too.

* Feed often and in small amounts.

* Do not exercise immediately after feeding.

* Feed the right amount for the work it's done.

* Feed plenty of bulk food such as good grass hay.

* Introduce new foods slowly.

* Allow horse to graze in pasture for part of each day.

* Feed a stabled horse something succulent like carrots or apples. Don't feed it too many apples or it can get colic.

* Keep the stable clean by mucking it out once a day.

* Feed your horse a mixture of grasses and hay.

* Do not let a hay-fed horse graze for a long time. Too much grass can make it sick.

* Exercise it regularly.

* Groom your horse every day.

* Clean the horse's coat with a brush.

* Comb out its mane and tail.

* Pick out its hooves with a hoof pick.

* Keep its eyes, nostrils, muzzle and dock area clean with a sponge.

* Trim the horses hooves regularly.

* Only wash a horse when necessary. This must be done in warm weather.
This washes out the oil from their coat, so if it gets cold they will need to wear a blanket.

* Check horses legs every day.

* Horses should be 'wormed' every four to eight weeks.

* Have a vet check its teeth every year.

* Know your horse's normal pulse, temperature and respiration (breathing).

* A healthy horse has bright eyes, a shiny coat, a good appetite and is interested in everything going on around it.