Wednesday, March 4, 2009


BIT- The metal piece of a bridle that goes in the horse's mouth.

BREED- To produce young; also, a group of animals that look alike and have the same ancestor.

COLIC- Is a common digestive problem, that can be very serious.

DEWORMING- To take away worms.

DOMESTICATED- To train to live with and be useful to humans.

MUCK OUT- To clean a stall by removing the wet bedding and droppings.

QUARTER HORSE- A compact muscular saddle horse that can run at high speed for short distances.

SADDLEBRED- A horse that is bred for riding.

TACK- The saddle, bridle, and the other equipment used on a horse or pony. Tack is usually made from leather, with stainless steel bits and stirrups.

THOROUGHBRED (THIR-oh-bred)- A horse descended from a breed first developed at the end of the eighteenth century by crossing English mares with Arabian stallions. They are trained for horse racing.

Special Things About Palomino Horses

Palomino is a color breed. This means it can be made up of different horse families but it must be a certain color. Palomino's are a golden color with a white mane and tail.

Palominos are from stock or light horse breeds. Stock horses are quarter horses and thoroughbred. Almost half the palominos are quarter horses, the other half are from different breeding. This includes the saddle horse, thoroughbred, Morgan, Tennessee Walker and the saddlebred.

It is hard to make the palomino color. When two palominos are bred they only make palomino foals about half of the time. The other foals are a chestnut or an off-white color.

There are two types of palominos. One has dark or black skin, and the other has light skin. They all have black, brown, blue or hazel eyes. They do not have stripes or spots on their body.

Marking on the palomino horse are a solid white patch of hair on the head and legs. Leg markings include ankle, sock and stocking. Palominos have five basic head markings the star, stripe, snip, blaze and bald face.