Thursday, April 2, 2009

How To Keep A Palomino Horse Healthy

* Put your horse in a barn at night in winter and during the day in summer and let it stay outside in a pasture the rest of the time.

* Use plank fencing for the pasture.

* Make sure the pasture is in good condition, with plenty of grass, not muddy and not too many droppings.

* Make sure there are no poisonous plants in the pasture before putting your horse in it.

* Make sure they have clean water all the time.

* Do not let your horse drink from a stream it could be polluted. Give it a water trough or bucket.

* If stabled always give a quick brush before and after exercise. If pastured remove all mud too.

* Feed often and in small amounts.

* Do not exercise immediately after feeding.

* Feed the right amount for the work it's done.

* Feed plenty of bulk food such as good grass hay.

* Introduce new foods slowly.

* Allow horse to graze in pasture for part of each day.

* Feed a stabled horse something succulent like carrots or apples. Don't feed it too many apples or it can get colic.

* Keep the stable clean by mucking it out once a day.

* Feed your horse a mixture of grasses and hay.

* Do not let a hay-fed horse graze for a long time. Too much grass can make it sick.

* Exercise it regularly.

* Groom your horse every day.

* Clean the horse's coat with a brush.

* Comb out its mane and tail.

* Pick out its hooves with a hoof pick.

* Keep its eyes, nostrils, muzzle and dock area clean with a sponge.

* Trim the horses hooves regularly.

* Only wash a horse when necessary. This must be done in warm weather.
This washes out the oil from their coat, so if it gets cold they will need to wear a blanket.

* Check horses legs every day.

* Horses should be 'wormed' every four to eight weeks.

* Have a vet check its teeth every year.

* Know your horse's normal pulse, temperature and respiration (breathing).

* A healthy horse has bright eyes, a shiny coat, a good appetite and is interested in everything going on around it.